It is a Distributors jobs to distribute products that gain recognition and popularity, to gain possible success for a horror movie. Trailers, magazine spreads, posters and advertisments are some of the things that they will use.
There are two different kinds of trailers that would be released: A theatrical and a teaser trailer. A theatrical trailer presents a lot more information, giving people the synposis of the movie, whereas a teaser trailer shows short cuts full of the most exciting parts of the movie. Not showing them for long doesn't give the audience much information, but it makes them want to see it.
A package for promotional advertising would contain my trailer, poster and magazine cover. The poster and magazine cover reach out to people that maybe don't want tv as many as some others, or who spend more time out of the house than in. By viewing things just as postered being advertised it may cause people to research into it out of interest and find my trailer, or keep an eye out for it on tv.
My poster contains one of the two females in our trailer, however we cannot see her face. I chose a still from the movie which I think is slightly creepy, and the fact that we can't see her face could suggest that she isn't the protagonist but the 'antagonist' or possible cause for the events that will happen. The image is simple and I really like it, just Becci looking at the floor with a few filters on it to make it darker and more horror-like. I think that by using a shot where we can't really identify with her, the audience will really take an interest and want to know more.
I kept my poster fairly simple, with just white writing in a clear font on a black background. I also have made sure that none of the text overlaps the photo so it can be read properly. I wanted to keep the simple look, just include what I had to, so as to avoid not making it look incredibly busy. By keeping the font separate from the photo, it draws attention to it. Also the white stands out very well against the black. I only used a few filters on the photograph as I didn't want to edit it too much.
I contained the quote "What will you do when the past comes back?" as it is the same as the voice over in my trailer. I think that this connects them really well, and if people see it on the poster and then hear it on tv they'll make the connection, or visa versa. It's also very simple and contains slight foreshadowing of what will happen in the movie. It also makes the audience consider what kind of 'past' is coming back, and create imaginary scenarioes where they will try and think about what it is they would do.
We had to inclued a billing block on the poster to make it more realistic, I researched a billing block image and looked at how they were created. An old-fashioned font, with certain words being certain sizes, and different organisation of movie roles. I also included things such as a certficate 15 logo, our 'Arctic Production' logo and a made up quote from a movie critic.
With my magazine cover, I used the words 'Chelsea Chandler, HORROR'S HOTTEST PROPERTY'. This immediately creates interest because people generally tend to have their own favourite moveis and movie stars, so by telling them that this person is 'hottest property' they'll want to know why.
I research Empire magazine images, and looked at how they presented their photographs and information to make mine seem more realistic.
I found an Empire colour sceme that I really liked and stuck to it - red, white and black. These three colours stand out very well from eachother, especially the red, which also stands out at a distance. Also, black and red are very common colours for horror as they connotate, blood, danger, darkness, death, anger and fear. I have a plain white background to maker the main image stand out. I edited Chelsea's hair and nails to make them red, which connects her with the writing about her. She's making direct eye contact with the camera, which means this time we really get to see her properly so she'll connect with our audience. Also, my cover isn't very 'horror-ish' (apart from the colours) which suggests that the audience will get a very different and in-depth view to the movie than if they just went to see it.
I think that my ancillary tasks work very well, especially because of how different they are. They attract attention and would hopefully make an audience want to know more. They're both very simple, as I feel having products that are too busy won't interest an audience as it's too much to deal with. I am very pleased with my overall finish.
The magazine would NOT be part of an advertising package. In saying this you demonstrate a lack of understanding about the role of the distributor in film marketing and the three central areas which are part of a campaign. These are advertising, publicity, and promotion. The magazine is an example of publicity and a distributor will attempt to generate such favourable publicity in various ways. You need to demonstrate some understanding of those ways. Look at the launchingfilms website or read the lovely handout.