Friday, 8 April 2011

Narrative Structure - Todorov.

Todorov's theory was that, at the beginning of a story, there is an equilibrium or status quo where potentially opposing forces are in balance. The equlibrium is then disrupted, starting a chain of events/problems, which are then resolved to restore order.
Equilibirum - Disequilibirum - Resolved into a new equilibrium.
In The Shining the equlibrium would be a happy family living at home, and the father going out to find some work - a typically normal view of a family. The Disequlibrium would be when he gets his new job and his family have to move away to an isolated hotel for a lnog period of time, which begins to affect them all. The resolution isn't really present in The Shining, as the family loses the father to insanity and death, and although Wendy and Danny escape - we have no idea what happens to them.

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