Tuesday 4 January 2011

UK Film Distribution.

"Audience-focused distribution is, and will remain, vital to the prospects of individual films, and to the industry as a whole" - Lord David Puttnam CBE, President, Film Distributor's Association.

The main task of a Distribution company is to indentify and deliver the largest target audience for different films.

Distribution is highly competitive business, as companies are fighting for their productions to become the best known to gain the highest public interest. It's vital for the survival of the film industry. Without it, the public wouldn't be aware of new productions, and would cause a massive loss of money. The aim of a Distributor is to exploit the full potential of each product.

Each movie has it's own Distribution plan, which can be expensive and risky. A detailed understanding of the target audience (gender, lifestyles, media consumption patterns etc) are needed to help the Distributors figure out how and where to promote as particular film.  The most important strategic decisions a Distributor makes are when and how to release a film in order to optimise its chances.

"It is clear to me that films only achieve their extraordinary potential when they are able to reach global audiences, week in, week out" - Lord David Attenborough, CBE.

Market research can be conducted to probe audience reactions, i.e.: a test screening, after which the viewers complete questionnaires.

When planning a release, Distributors have to consider certain factors, some being:
- Competition.
- Is it a prospective market blockbuster, or specialised.
- Star power.
- Are cast members available for premieres.
- Is it a film for a holiday period.
- Is it a film with hopes of award nominations.
- What certificate will the film have.

Every film also has a Marketing plan, who's objective is to create visibility, raising awareness and interest. A key component that helps a Marketing plan is word of mouth - social recommendation is very important and can be the most powerful trigger for a cinema visit. A combination of good word of mouth and advertising is a big help for films.

A variety of different media is needed to advertise to target audeinces. I.e: posters, trailers, online, mobile, radio etc.

The use of a well-known and popular actor can sometimes be critical to movie interest. Using a poster advertising the main character of the movie is very good for helping increase its public appeal.

Movies can also gain attention through editorial coverage, as the public tends to accept independently-written news stories. A publicity team arranges media interviews with available members of the cast, and publicists compile kits for journalists, including cast, biographies and facts etc.

Merchandising can also be used to raise awareness for movies, but getting the audience involved in film. Merchandising can include action figures, ringtones, clothing, screen savers, calendars, games, soundtracks and books etc.

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